Friday, January 24, 2014

Time off in Dalhart, TX

I read in the Dalhart Newspaper that the XIT Rangers held Cowboy Church, Tuesday nights at 7PM. A FULL church service weekday nights appeal to me as my schedule will soon not be conducive to Sunday morning praise and worship. (More later about XIT Cowboy Church...)

It has been a typical winter in the TP, with recent days being cold, windy, with a barely tolerable wind chill. I know because I was posted outside monitoring offender ingress and egress for lunch. 

But, this Tuesday (Jan 21, 2014) was blessedly different. It was almost warm with a breeze between light and moderate. An excellent time to explore!

I had several hours before the Cowboy Church time; so I thought I would explore the Rita Blanca lake area as well as locate the XIT Ranger Clubhouse ahead of time so I wouldn't be late for the meeting.

I met up with the friendliest folks (not strangers:-). But, I have always been blessed with the friendly folk experience whether I am on a Mississippi pier, a Grand Canyon overlook, or--a tiny Texas town.

Keep in mind that it is winter, so the lake will be far more appealing in green season.

I learned there are trails to explore later. There is a moderately steep hill which will help with walks. Also, I found a fun group engaging in Frisbee Golf. Hey, if anyone says there is nothing to do in Dalhart, they are in need of a real visit... Always remember, "you gotta engage with the locals to say you have visited:-)"

 I was delighted with the friendly horses in back:-) The one below could be a relative of one of Lynn Glover's horses. 

 This paint has the most remarkable eyes.

Having received my critter fix, at least temporarily I continued my walk about. I heard cattle round about; I also heard a goat. Hmmm, haven't seen a goat for awhile, actually since a walk about in the Grand Canyon area. A little up the road I encountered a teen attempting to walk a goat on a leash. I had never seen this and thought it was adorable. He offered to pose for me.

 After these adventures it was time for the meeting. I was a little early, but upon returning I saw that my overworked Honda Civic had lots of company. People actually arrive early for a church meeting? Yep.
I was greeted with fresh coffee and folks that made me feel like I had been attending awhile and belonged there. I am thankful there is a church body filling the needs of folks that don't always have Sunday am off for praise and worship.

Well, I guess I'm back in the saddle again for blogging; although I am still looking in Dalhart for a suitable Internet connection. As a new resident, I am excited to find walking trails, Rita Blanca Lake (I can get my bird watching fix), and a great church at a great time.

Take Care now, and don't be a stranger.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Be Sure and Visit McBride Canyon

You would never know from TX136 highway, or Cas Johnson Road that primitive beauty awaits you in exquisite stillness, thundering quiet.

To read about the McBride House Click here.
For additional info on David Nichols McBride, Click here.

View accross from the McBride Ranch House.

Bring your horses! Trails, Corrals, and water available.


Click here for super directions and description of amenities.
*I have noted that the outhouses appear clean and stocked with TP:-).
**I have also noted --NO litter-- Yeah! Let's keep it that way.

Thank you for visiting. All photos are original and copywrited. Contact Webmaster for use.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Don't Leave the TP Until You Visit Alibates

*All photos at this site are original and copyrighted. Contact webmaster for permission to use. Thank you.

You probably will want more information than I can provide. Here are some TP Net resources that I enjoy:

Randall Derrick's Panhandle Nation at the same site, to gain a Alibates specific historical information, please click Wes  Phillips. Click here for the National Park Service version.

The day a companion and I impulsively backtracked to visit Alibates was a truly beautiful, TP, Heaven sent day. The temperature and air were perfect. We were the only ones around. It was very quiet until sunset when the coyote calls began.

Yes, it was a little sad to see the water had vanished. We only knew water had been there previously because of the boat ramp. Instead of the lake spreading before it, we now have TP grass and plants. However, we are still blessed to have such a beautiful, quiet place to visit. It feels different...almost as if the canyons are holding closely guarded secrets of our ancestry.

About a half a mile down the trail near the parking area close to the boat ramp -- you will find a dry branch of the Canadian River. It is tempting to walk barefoot in the sand/silt bottom. It appeared smooth to me, almost groomed by nature...

...except, the multitude of different types of animal tracks.  How exciting! But, there were no animals visible--Yet, I knew they were there, I could feel them watching me. There was one set of tracks that appeared so different--three long claws and no pad, it made me wonder if Alibates had a canyon version of the Lochness monster.

Until the next TP adventure, Suzi

PS: Please remember to set an example of NOT littering. I was proud that I did not see one can, bottle, or scrap of paper on my visit to Bates canyon. It could be because people have basically abandoned it because of the water situation--if that is so, they have no idea what they are missing. At least I know where to go for absolute peace and serenity. Shhhh. Our secret. OK?

Monday, April 29, 2013

Time for Wildflowers in the Canyons and a Little TP History

Canyon views live from the Texas Panhandle (TP). I forget where I was... Likely lost on a lonely road. If anyone recognizes the location, please help me out.

Interested in the battle of Adobe Walls? Try this report by Mike Venturino. This post by Monty Rainey, June 15th, 2012 is very interesting. For Fun compare the two reports, hey don't stop there... more versions exist. 

Please, anyone that wants to help me out with this Blog, comment or step forward:-)

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Lake Meredith and an Attitude of Gratitude

No story. Just photos from my Texas Panhandle (TP), more specifically the Borger area, Hutchinson County, Sanford, Lake Meredith. Citizens enjoying recreation at the lake, Saturday, April 27th, 2013 (an awesomely beautiful day).

If you have specific questions about Lake Meredith or if you are a local and wish to get your facts straight, contact our local Canadian River Municipal Water Authority.

To our Local Citizens--I know the lake isn't what it used to be. I remember the good old times as well. But, please remember we still have a resource that some areas don't have. We still have a nice swimming area. You can still fish, jet ski, canoe... We have abundant picnic areas with outdoor grilling.

When a visitor asks about things to do in the area, please mention Lake Meredith with pride. Most visitors won't be toting a big boat and will enjoy just seeing our beautiful lake tucked away in the canyons. 

Maybe an attitude of gratitude will in some way help out. It certainly won't hurt.

Thanks for visiting. I sure would appreciate it if you would leave a comment at this blog and/or at my FaceBook post.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Mules at Sunset, Glover Ranch

*Note: Photos are dual copyrighted

Many thanks to Lynn Glover for introducing me to his ranch. One of his talents is training horses. So, if you have a wild one--Lynn is who you need to get in touch with.
He also sells horses that he bought to train and resell. I can verify the horses are loved and well taken care of.  See some of his horses at next post.

Thank you, Lynn, for being a great host as I got my fill of photos and enjoyed the canyon valley.

My camera battery had rundown so this and following photos are from my cell phone.

These guys are so adorable. 
I still haven't exactly figured out where I was. I know I was there. My TP, the Texas Panhandle was at its best. perfect weather, beautiful sky, light breeze puffs.

Progressing into Spring, Lynn cautions about West Nile Virus and to be prepared with appropriate mosquito-gnat-bug spray. Though I wanted sunshine on my shoulders, it is best to wear alight weight long sleeve shirt to prepare against bug/insect bites. Lynn guarantees there are rattlers, so be careful in the canyons. Neither Lynn or I recommend visiting canyons by yourself. Think of canyons as "Companion Required".