Monday, April 22, 2013

Mules at Sunset, Glover Ranch

*Note: Photos are dual copyrighted

Many thanks to Lynn Glover for introducing me to his ranch. One of his talents is training horses. So, if you have a wild one--Lynn is who you need to get in touch with.
He also sells horses that he bought to train and resell. I can verify the horses are loved and well taken care of.  See some of his horses at next post.

Thank you, Lynn, for being a great host as I got my fill of photos and enjoyed the canyon valley.

My camera battery had rundown so this and following photos are from my cell phone.

These guys are so adorable. 
I still haven't exactly figured out where I was. I know I was there. My TP, the Texas Panhandle was at its best. perfect weather, beautiful sky, light breeze puffs.

Progressing into Spring, Lynn cautions about West Nile Virus and to be prepared with appropriate mosquito-gnat-bug spray. Though I wanted sunshine on my shoulders, it is best to wear alight weight long sleeve shirt to prepare against bug/insect bites. Lynn guarantees there are rattlers, so be careful in the canyons. Neither Lynn or I recommend visiting canyons by yourself. Think of canyons as "Companion Required".

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